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photoessay | sikh gurdwara

Three Gates Media

Visiting the Sikh Gurdwaras was a moving experience due in large part to the generosity and kindness of our host, Harjit Singh. Whilst Meri had already interviewed him, I had not met Harjit, the subject of this week's Rare Air Podcast.  When we eventually found one another his smile was immediately disarming.  

He knelt to be at eye level with our 6 year old companion and said: 'My name is Harjit but you can call me Mr Singh, in fact, you can call all the men here Mr Singh!  Easy!'  

The kitchen was busy with volunteers preparing thousands of roti, serving meal after meal and washing the never-ending dishes.  We shared food and conversation before joining the congregation.  

The whole experience was humbling and came at a time when we all seemed to be questioning how we as human beings had become so at odds with one another in a political landscape that included One Nation, Brexit and President-elect Donald Trump.  The acts of acceptance and kindness in the Gurdwara restored some faith in the power of good.  

Images copyright Marnie Richardson