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About us

Three Gates Media is Meri Fatin and Marnie Richardson.  When we were forming this idea for a business with Anita Bennetts we came across a saying “Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates.  Is it true?  Is it kind?  Is it necessary?“ It felt like a good fit so that’s where we got our name.  Three Gates Media is a place you know you can come for good stories.  We won’t be chasing the press releases, stars or ambulances.  You and your imagination will guide us. Our stories will be local and global.

We need all ears to the ground.  

Podcasts have reignited our love of a well-told tale, and one of the disadvantages of the frenetic news cycle is that plenty of great stories aren’t ever heard.   They either take too long to tell or they don’t feature someone we already know. Our first podcast: Rare Air, changes that.  But the Rare Air Podcast is just the beginning.  In the long term, Three Gates Media will combine a range of podcasts with long form journalism, photo essays, blogs, videos and graphic art, made in Western Australia for a global audience.  

If you think you can support the Three Gates vision creatively, financially or with actual voices we’d love to talk.

Thanks for being here now. Meri and Marnie

Meri Fatin

Meri is an award-winning journalist and broadcaster, producing Three Gates Media’s podcast Rare Air.  Her dream is to gather the great stories and creative wealth of Western Australia and bring them to the world. 

Marnie richardson

Marnie is a photographer and broadcaster.  She has mad skills in design and craftiness but her first love is people.  Talking to people.  Connecting people. Taking photos of people.  A lot of photos of people.  



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