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photo essays

Filtering by Tag: Art

photoessay | symbiotica

Three Gates Media

Having a conversation with anyone at Symbiotica is challenging.  One moment you're talking about what you had for breakfast, the next you're discussing growing steak in the lab and the ethics of eating it.  The Symbioticans were generous with their time and their ideas and I hope you enjoy this brief moment in their world as they try to help us make sense of ours.

Listen to the RareAir podcast
Read the explainer

photoessay | evi ferrier

Three Gates Media

A visit to the home of artist Evi Ferrier is an overwhelming and wonderful experience.  She will walk you around each room, stopping every now and then to light a candle or two.  She barely notices the floor to ceiling gallery crowding around her.  My first (and almost only) words in the hour I spent there were: Or you could just hang ALL the pictures.  

Listen to the Rare Air podcast with Evi Ferrier
Read the Evi Ferrier explainer

All images © Marnie Richardson

photoessay | clothilde bullen

Three Gates Media

Here's a small family album generously on loan to us from Clothilde Bullen.  
Listen to the RareAir podcast with Clo.
Read a quick history of Aboriginal art

All images © Clothilde Bullen