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rare air 6 | jane bremmer


Rare Air is the first podcast series produced by three gates media.


rare air 6 | jane bremmer

Three Gates Media

"People really don't understand how poorly chemicals are regulated in Australia and how poorly risk is managed."

Jane Bremmer was mother to a small baby when she and her partner Lee Bell moved into their first home in the Perth foothills.  It wasn't long before they discovered they were living opposite a massive open toxic pit of petroleum waste, which they believed had been causing significant health issues in the community for many years.

That discovery was the catalyst for two decades of committed campaigning and community education, making Bremmer and Bell highly regarded consultants for international NGOs.

Jane talks about the highs and lows of her life as a campaigner from the introduction of Contaminated Sites laws in Western Australia to hate mail and death threats.

Jane says the life of an activist is high energy but it can be demoralising when you cant break through to the people who can do something about it.

Read about the top five publications that motivate Jane Bremmer

Subscribe to RareAir on iTunes

Thanks to Jane Bremmer for being part of Rare Air.  
This podcast was mixed by Adrian Sardi (The Vault audio post production)
Photos by Marnie Richardson.

RareAir podcast © Meri Fatin

"People really don't understand how poorly chemicals are regulated in Australia and how poorly risk is managed." Jane Bremmer was mother to a small baby when she and her partner Lee Bell moved into their first home in the Perth foothills.